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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Musing about the San Diego Weather

When I got up this morning I was musing about my new blog and what to write about. The weather was gray and misty (we are near the Batiquitos Lagoon in Carlsbad and maybe 2 miles, as the crow flies, from the ocean), and it occurred to me that the weather, especially in the morning, was one very noticeable difference from Boston. In Boston, when you have fog or cloudy gray weather, it can last a day or a week without a break, unlike the May Gray and June Gloom we have out here which, I have learned, occurs in many parts of the world and NOT just in the spring/early summer. Even thought there seem to be many days of grayness, it doesn't generally last all day. What was interesting this morning, as it typically is where I live, is that within a hour or so the sun came out, the sky was blue, and the mist was receding over the hills above La Costa and the temperature was rising. While we have some days where the gray marine layer seems to last much longer, or for the entire day, that has been rare. It has be refreshing to find that although the day can start out gray and ugly, it very quickly can change into the beautiful sunny California weather we enjoy so much. In Boston, a look out the window at the gray was typically met with a long sigh and resigning yourself to yet another cool, damp, ugly day. We had heard about June Gloom from our daughter, who lives in LA, on our many trips out here, but the experience has been fascinating.

The other very noticeable thing about the weather (more to come later) is that we get 4 different weather forecasts - for the coast, inland, the mountains, and the desert - and all in San Diego County. While Boston weather has its anomalies (I could go on forever on that subject), the diversity of weather patterns here, especially the temperatures, has been a big change for me. In the summer the difference in temperatures from the coast to the desert can be 30 degrees or more, and yet it is only a couple of hours away! Or it can be gray and cloudy at the coast, but just a short distance inland hot and sunny. For a sun lover, this has been great!

And then we have the Santa Anas...what the heck is that, we wondered when moving here last year? Well, now we know about these warming winds from inland that can, unfortunately, reak havoc and cause the destructive forest fires California is so famous for. Check out for more information on the Santa Anas.

Well, enough for now - off to the gym.




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